Hypertension Facts

Hypertension Facts !?

Hypertension is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions. WHO estimates that 1.13 billion people worldwide have hypertension🌍. HyperHealth is on its way to support people with hypertension through innovation! 📱⌚️

Hypertension Facts !?

Be aware of hypertension! Hypertension can advance asymptomatically therefore having your blood pressure regularly checked is vital. HyperHealth will be a robust solution for early diagnosis and prevention ⏳

Hypertension Facts !?

Sedentary lifestyle is one of the major factors that cause hypertension! Regular exercises are key to keep your blood pressure under control. HyperHealth will be your friend in an active life😀

Hypertension Facts !?

Hypertension is a preventable chronic condition through behavioral change such as reducing salt intake, having a healthy diet, avoiding tobacco, and excessive alcohol consumption ⛔️🧂🚭🍷 🟢🥦🍎🥑

Hypertension Facts !?

Did you know that nearly every four person in Europe has hypertension! HyperHealth is here to empower💪 Europe’s digital health infrastructure.